hatch IT Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
We are committed to creating change within our workplace and beyond. To those who haven’t felt seen, included, or appreciated working with hatch I.T., we’re deeply sorry. We will do better.
What actions is hatch I.T. taking internally to reflect our Diversity & Inclusion strategy?
- We will continue to assess how diverse, equitable, and inclusive we are by continuing to collect demographic data from candidates and utilizing feedback surveys of clients, candidates, employees, and more.
- We will continue to remain transparent with our Diversity & Inclusion progress with our employees by sharing bi-yearly Progress Reports internally.
- We will now have yearly mandatory training focused on facilitating diversity, equity and inclusion and bi-yearly supplementary training focused on mitigating bias and practicing inclusive behavior.
- Starting 2021, Juneteenth will be a hatch I.T. recognized company-wide holiday to encourage employees to celebrate and use the day for learning.
How will hatch I.T. work to better engage with and present BIPOC job candidates?
- We will continue to align with diversity-focused groups, communities, non-profits, and organizations whose missions are centered around equal opportunity for their members.
What actions has our hatchpad community taken to further reflect the updated Diversity & Inclusion strategy?
- We will continue to foster an inclusive environment, ensuring that there are marketing campaigns and posts that reflect our diverse community.
- We will increase BIPOC (Black, Indigenious and People of Color) representation across Hatchpad (startups, Insights, Projects, etc) to ensure that all community members see reflections of themselves in the startup ecosphere.
Our Diversity Partners